ASFPM is co-sponsoring the FEMA Emergency Management Institute
(EMI) 273 course in Portsmouth, NH with FEMA Region I and the New Hampshire
Office of Energy & Planning in September. This course is designed to
provide an organized training opportunity for local officials responsible for
administering their local floodplain management ordinance. The course will
focus on the NFIP and concepts of floodplain management, maps and studies,
ordinance administration, and the relationship between floodplain management
and flood insurance.
A separate (optional) CFM exam will be held on Friday, October
2nd. Course attendance is NOT required to sit for the CFM exam. Please
see details below for more information.
COST: Course attendance is FREE, but registration is required. Attendees are
responsible for their own travel, lodging, and meal expenses.
Registration deadline: September 1, 2015. To register for the course, please follow
instructions in the course flyer.QUESTIONS?
Please contact Jennifer Gilbert at 603-271-1762 or
October 2, 2015, 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Portsmouth, NH
Separate registration and fee required to
sit for the CFM Exam. Exam
applications and fee must be submitted to ASFPM not later than September 23,
2015 in order to sit for the exam on October 2, 2015.
*CFM exam is optional, and a separate registration and fee are required to sit for the CFM exam. Note: The 273 course is not a CFM Exam prep course; takers should not expect to pass the exam without additional study of materials found at the CFM Exam Preparation Guide.
*CFM exam is optional, and a separate registration and fee are required to sit for the CFM exam. Note: The 273 course is not a CFM Exam prep course; takers should not expect to pass the exam without additional study of materials found at the CFM Exam Preparation Guide.